Friday, October 14, 2011

Update | Workshop policies

All, please consider this an update to the workshop policies outlined on the syllabus:

1) If you miss a week in which your classmates are distributing their materials for workshop, you are responsible for getting those materials from them. Because you must turn in your end comments to me, workshopping your peers' pieces is optional only if you do not wish to receive a grade. You have all the email addresses of your classmates.

2) If you are to distribute, and you miss class, you must provide me with your workshop pieces to distribute ahead of time. You can do that by putting the pieces (enough copies for everyone) in my mailbox in the English Department. Emailing it to me is not sufficient.

3) If you are distributing, you must make enough copies for the entire class (18, including yourself).

4) Per the syllabus and going forward, if you are late with your workshop piece, you will not receive credit for it. Other assignments are also not accepted late. Please email me or come see me in office hours if you need assistance with this information.

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