Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reading Response-The Story

I found "The Story" to be a lot more interesting and easily comprehensible than the stories from the previous week. Right from the very beginning I was hooked and the story held my attention right to the very end. Bloom's characters seem very important to her because she takes the time to carefully create never missing any detail that makes the character his/her own. I find it refreshing, because unlike last week's characters, I can create a mental picture and form some kind of idea of what these people would be like if they were real. I have either seen or read plot lines with characters like Sandra, a neglecting mother who could care less about the effects of her action which eventually tear her family apart;she may be trying and mean well but even in her adult age she has a naive, childlike behavior. As a reader, I believe that a story is interesting if the characters are developed and have levels. Through the lives and personalities of a set a characters a really great story can be created, but if there is no depth or interesting quality to the person you are creating then how can they evolve along with the story.

Also, even though it was a bit distracting from the actual story, Bloom did her own character analysis which I found slightly helpful with my own writing. Some of her character had bits and pieces of personality traits taken from her friends and family. I never thought about using people that I know to write a story but if I think about it, I can create some very entertaining characters through people that I know in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think the narrator was Bloom? It would certainly explain how accurate she was about the process of writing. I thought the narrator was an aspect of Bloom, but maybe not a full representation. Knowing who the narrator really was would help give some insight into the story.
